Saturday, November 28, 2020

End Times

I’m always amazed and so blessed to get sermons every day. William wakes up and most mornings and busts out in sermon – this morning’s was sooooo good. He got going about how he (and most people) wrestle with God at times in life and depending on the outcome, will depend on one’s next direction in life; and therefore, the longer one wrestles, the longer and harder the consequences/pain one will suffer in the process (Jacob’s story: Gen. 32:24-25), but if we give in to Jesus, we get greater blessings than we can imagine. Why can’t we get it? God gave us all a conscious to keep us on the right path. As society progresses down the road (getting worse and worse, by the way, not better), the blindness on the people (by choice or by ignorance or placed there by God), gets bigger – don’t bite the hand that truly feeds you truth! Seek Jesus – He has all the answers and will lift that blindness! That is all we (the remnant) is trying to say: Wake up to TRUTH, seek out TRUTH in all of its forms and quit wrestling with God! Listen to that still small voice, that conscious God placed within you, and KNOW TRUTH when you hear it. The longer you wait, the greater the consequences/suffering you will have to go through.

Anyway, that couples with Simon (Matt. 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26): God proved a point here that we are ALL already judged and condemned – but Jesus is the answer! The longer we continue to go around thinking we are innocent of any crime (Simon thought so as well, don’t we go around saying to ourselves: “Oh, my sin, what I do isn’t as bad as so and so”) – the harder the consequences. Just join in and receive the gospel in its entirety! There is true freedom found there!

Satan has always tried to destroy the church - the biggest scandal in your face type has taken place in the past 6 months: the coup has already started and people (some of the elect) have already been deceived. The churches have been shut down – again – didn’t you see it the first time? And now again? You cowards! Stand up and fight the devil – he is amongst you, he is in you – stand up and say: “Jesus is victor and I stand for Jesus and TRUTH! You have already failed the pre-test – you’ve already taken the mark spiritually and physically by NOT standing up and speaking the truth of what is happening in this society NOW! The takeover has already happened and we have a short window of time to take it back or LOSE IT FOREVER!

You have already received The Mark (mark on your forehead) if you believe the fake news (false prophets) and agreeing to that socialist, communist MINDSET/MARK. You have already received The Mark (on your hand) if you are so attached to your Smartphone (buy/sell) that you are already sold out to THE SYSTEM. What we do with our hands – to live. We have a choice to make: Choose Jesus and LIVE! Choose slavery and die – is it no different than what William Wallace said to the Scots prior to battle - choose to live in slavery or choose to die in freedom! There is NO HOPE in this world’s systems for the devil owns them. The only hope is to be set free from as many of this system’s chains as possible (live within your means, no credit, cash only living, live off your own two hands in what you can do – no hand-outs while you are lazy, honesty and integrity in all life’s transactions. Live as a disciple of Christ and teach others to do the same!

The line has already been drawn – no other time in history has it been made so evident between RIGHT – WRONG/ TRUTH – LIES – it is already here! Choose right and truth and thereby choose Jesus! He has already won! But we (the remnant) must stand up and fight NOW or forever let our freedoms be stolen and thereby ushering in the final hour – it is all spelled out in REVELATION!

What has our ‘church’ become but COWARDS! It has become the ‘butter-me-up-pat-me-down gospel! Just like you let prayer be taken out of school, just like you allowed legalized blood gifts to demons (abortion), etc. and etc. And NOW you cower behind your masks at home rather than say “NO” to lies.

Doesn’t the Bible say Jesus is a healer? It also says God is our provider. Where is your faith? We are to be living by faith – isn’t that what the Bible also says? If you are covering your face to protect yourself (truth is out there – it is no protection - its a lie) then you have no faith that Jesus can heal you. Then what do you use Jesus for? Let Him USE YOU to be a light in darkness to reveal TRUTH! But no, you chose to be muzzled and silenced and be herded like good little Sheeples you are, believing their false prophets – good for who? You chose your slavery to fear and sickness. It will only get worse and you will become more and more deaf and blind. Wake up! Stand up and say NO like good disciples of Jesus Christ you are supposed to be. You haven’t even shed blood yet (Heb. 12:4, Rev. 16:6, but there you cower and hide behind your walls. God said to “go out to the highways and byways and compel them to come in.” Luke 14:23 In to where? Your little buildings and clubhouses where you nit-pick every little sin everyone else does, but you have your ticket to heaven – you’ve been sitting in those clubhouses for 40 years waiting … Think again! Rev. 3:16 “I will spew you out of my mouth!”

The biggest problem non-believers have with Christians is that they are hypocrites. And they are right – so what are we going to do about it? Stand up and share the TRUTH of the gospel! Because another 60 years of take-over of our lives/truth was allowed (yes, Kennedy was killed by the deep state/the same deep state that wants to enslave/kills you) yes, there is suffering, we have to go to the cross and carry it like Simon did with Jesus. And yes, speaking the truth may get you in trouble – so the headlines may read: Grandma gets jailed for singing Christmas carols in her neighborhood …. Or Grandpa gets beat up for refusing to wear the mask while walking his dog … while the mask-wearers call in such grievances from their enclosed fortresses - yes, that is what ‘society/corrupt globalists’ have brought us to while spoiled little brats (most of whom were raised in American freedom) go about our streets killing and destroying (without a mask no less) with the Mayor’s or Governor’s blessing – to bring in more lies slavery, destruction, and death, and we do what? Cower in our homes while grandma and grandpa go out there and shout “No! Stop the insanity!” Yes, it is up to the Babyboomers (those who SAW and KNOW truth) to teach the younger generations the truth, while people in China, India, and many other places get shot for sharing the love and truth of Jesus in their neighborhoods and we complain that there is no toilet paper in the stores!

Is that so far from the truth? That is exactly what many brave people are doing right now – singing praises to God in the streets (like any American should have the right to do).

Call the plandemic and communism being foisted on us for what it is, speak the truth of freedom through Jesus, tell the blind and the deaf Sheepels to quit following the false prophets and follow the one who created them – we have already been given the truth – get out there and learn it!

I’ve just finished reading a book written in 1969, “Henry and the Great Society” by H.O. Roush, Sr., Pathway Publishers, 258 ON 250 OW, LaGrange, IN 46761 – a must read now along with another book I am currently reading: The diary of Victor Klemper.

The Truth networks: OAN: One American News

Truth sources: Trey Smith and Salty Cracker (very foul; but does thorough research and does great exposures)

Dutch Sheets: join in daily prayer for nation

Free DTS (Dallas Theological Seminary)classes – love ‘em

Friday, November 20, 2020

Praise and Worship during this time!

" Prepare ye the way of the Lord ..."  Are you ready?

Nov. 20 - Wow, a lot has happened in the past couple months.  Before the election, we heard all the prophets for today speak of Trump’s 2nd term, a couple years of unrest, America’s upswing, coming revival, etc.  We believed then and we believe now – God is in Control!  Always has been, always will be.  God is not done with America yet.  I’ve been saying that all along and am still saying it.  Trump will take his 2nd term and will serve it.  Great things for America are yet to come.  

 The past few weeks, I’ve had various neighbors come to me and discuss the times, but mostly, they need comfort because they are in fear.  They don’t hear the truth like I do (because William searches diligently for it and shares it).  I’ve been saying the same thing for months:  God is still in control – he’s stepping in for a bit of whop-ass – he’s going to be meting out some justice!  Fight for your rights as Americans, say no to stupid!  Speak the truth EVERYWHERE, etc.  We are the forerunners to the next era (a short one) and may have to be martyrs for the cause. We have to be the leaders we were called to be.  There are few of us, and many there are of the scared, those who just need an encouraging word and pointed in the right direction.  We have continued and will continue to be outspoken about the truth of what is going on in this world.  In the end, no matter what – WE WIN!  Jesus is Victor!

I’ve been doing a free (on the internet) study with Dallas Theological Seminary since about the last week of Oct.  The first lesson I went through was Names and Attributes of God by Dr. Scott Harrell; very good, engaging speaker, awesome overview.  Anyway, I’ve started I & II Thessalonians (just did the overview and chs 1-3) and it is amazing how absolutely timely it is.  With what is going on in the world, the parallels are astounding; however, even Jesus warned us many times that persecution MUST come! We were destined for persecution – following Jesus will cost you!  We are in a spiritual war!  We MUST engage with the ‘outside’ world and not stayed holed up – we are the witness for TRUTH in all of its forms!

one of the paintings (in my practice notebook) I've done in the past month or so

I have found myself the past couple months in constant praise/worship with such powerful music (Shane and Shane, Paul Wilbur, Joshua Aaron, Dance with Me, and a bunch of new stuff we found by Messianic Jewish musicians, esp. Teshuva  – so awesome and powerful – I do literally praise and worship all day, dancing around and God told me that is WARFARE!!  I’m praising God and thanking Him for all his victories and declaring what He said He is going to do!!

When you live in perfect faith, there is no fear or worry for what is to come.  God ALWAYS takes care of us – we always have what we need.   No matter our circumstances, the battle belongs to the lord – when we keep that mindset, that vision, then we have no reason to doubt.  The past couple months have been massive warfare for us.  The more we speak out, do God’s will in all things, the more the enemy attacks.  Just since the end of Sept. we’ve had our breaks go completely out on our 20-year old car (God preserved William on the road by telling him just in time to “pull over and call the mechanic”.  We had just had them completely replaced because they were making a lot of noise - roters, calipers, pads, etc) and since William had missed working most of Sept. because of traveling down to the Rogue Valley to put my mom on hospice, his back going out on him, concern for breaks, etc., we didn’t have the money to pay for them, so William’s brother offered!  What a blessing!  Then not a week goes by and the timing belt snapped as William was driving down the street.  We couldn’t afford that, so Max loaned us the money to have it fixed.   What a blessing!  All this time, more work missed because William had no car to drive (and his back was still going in and out on him).  On top of all that, my children and grandchildren (whom I haven’t seen in 4 – 8 years) flew out to Oregon to visit my mom (only 3 hours away) and I couldn’t go see them due to not having a car!  Then, no sooner we get that fixed and now into November, somehow our windshield split down the middle with spiders going every which way!  Then, last week, my half-sister died.

The point is not the circumstances, but praising God and growing in Faith throughout the onslaught, and still witnessing!  We were destined for persecution!  And next week, we have another funeral to attend …

Listen to the prophets:  Tomi Arayomi, Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Jonathan Cahn!