Monday, May 17, 2021

Demonic Attacks


May 15 – wow, what a month already! After the big rally (tons of support) and our first prayer meeting in the new building that night, the devil whollopped me in the middle of the night – full-fledged vomiting. That went on thru to the 13th, while the whole time we were praying, serious warfare, and I tried to get up during the days and carry on – 2 days on the front porch, quite on fire, preaching to everyone who came near; however, I was getting weaker and weaker, couldn’t even keep water down – not even Gateraid. Every night, full-out attacks from the enemy – me no sleep at all, constant, wild ‘dreams’ as such – violent, etc. and etc. God revealed to William that it was a strongman in my life – going back through my family. (God revealed several things, gave him a few visions throughout the week). My mom always had the same (as William describes it) ‘violent’ cough, constant flem for whatever reason. Me too, he says that I have always had this very abnormal, very violent/loud cough. Well, since the sinus surgery, the ‘river’ always runs down the back of my throat. So, he started concentrating his prayers on that, and Thursday night, the 13th – full deliverance!!! William was down in his room praying late into the night then he saw this ‘vision’ of a bolt of God’s light come down and hit the top of the house and went right into me. The whole house lit up, but me, he saw, was wrapped in God’s light and His arms wrapped around me. I remember when that happened, I was being terribly tormented by demons, but suddenly I felt so light, so good and I saw Jesus holding me. That actually went on all night – back and forth between the torments and God holding me. I was exhausted and still not feeling good in the morning and came downstairs quite grumbly. William said, “OK, this thing is coming out!” and he started in on it again. Then, final deliverance! I was set free. I started eating and drinking just fine! I had to build up my strength, but by today, I was eating a normal dinner!! This was so unlike any time before, where it took weeks to build up.

May 17 – I feel great!!! Sunday, we had our normal Sunday meal and even Cheryl joined us (Lori and her niece were there too, their 2nd time) and we had dinner outside on the picnic table, then we joined around the campfire (no fire – very warm, sunny day) for meeting time – 8 people around the circle! Great and powerful meeting, I told my testimony, had a birthday party for Max (a week late, I apologized to him). Next Sunday, meetings will be held in our new building – William’s reluctant to call it our ‘church’ building, since we are still considered outdoor preachers, but because of our new Church School, we have to establish a ‘Church’ in the building. God is sooooo good! Anyway, things are progressing in the building – all the new lights are in, work is being done on the bathrooms, windows are being covered by this ‘stained glass’ look. We look to have our next meeting for the school next week.

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