Saturday, March 19, 2022

Trying to re-focus on God and not things/people!


March 19 – The twins have been acting much better since we’ve had our talk; however, I’ve been ostracized by most everyone else in the school! Even the 6th grade boy and his mom quit coming on Mon. and Tues.! I don’t know what to do about this! I haven’t done anything wrong and no one is coming to me personally and telling me why they are tiffed! Except the 6th grader's mom, saying that the twins are too disrespectful and pick on her son and they don’t want to work with them. I need to actually be working with him by himself because he really is at a different level, yet not at his grade level. But I don’t have the time to work with him, because the twins need constant babysitting! Thank goodness for Spring Break, because I need to get away from there! I’ll be going in this week though to clean the entire place! Do I even get appreciated for anything I do? NOOOOOOOOOO

My granddaughter contacted me several times this past week and a half – she’s been doing a lot of horse camp stuff - learning a lot about horses, cleaning, learning various ways of riding, whatever they do at a horse camp. She sent me a picture of herself after a particularly dirty day. I’m so glad at least one of my family is talking to me. I’ve spent 2 months trying to call my mom and she won’t answer or return my calls, so by the end of February, I quit calling. They know where I am. My daughter, Laura, texted me ‘happy birthday’ Feb. 27th – no ‘mom’ attached or anything – just generic. She’s not talking with me either. Just like the Bible says, that “in that day, their hearts will be cold” … This is a spiritual battle and the battle belongs to the Lord. The only thing I can do is to keep praying and interceding for them.

William and I have been excitedly talking about a new (and I think is the correct one) spin on Daniel and Revelations. Now, all along, we always knew that Revelations – the Revealing of Jesus – isn’t a doomsday book – it’s where God’s people are given revelation, as they need it, to make it through to the end. We are almost to the end – what if ‘they’ got it all wrong. I was raised Seventh-day Adventist, went to the academy, etc. and etc. I’ve always, since a kid, been a scholar of the ‘end days’, because since I was a kid, I believed I was living in the last days. The ‘Cabal’ is the Babylon spoken of on Revelations! That is what is being exposed and coming down now! It is the World System, the One World Order (and the leaders thereof) that are the anti-Christ! Yes, one world leader will rise up – tribulation; however, being tied to that money, global system is Babylon – and anyone bowing to that evil (Mark of the Beast – the ‘jab’ is so full of evil stuff!), going along with the system (so as not to ‘make waves’, compromising, giving in so as not to ‘look bad’ to others, etc.) in any way is taking the Mark! Now is the time to stand for truth in all its forms!

Anyway, we have been preaching for years that we are about to see the greatest revival the world has ever seen – and we are finally there! World revival is sparking out everywhere and before the next few years is out, the world-wide revival will be so huge, so encompassing, that there will be no where left on earth that hasn’t heard about Jesus. Signs, miracles, and wonders are happening all over, the dead are being raised – over 600 by David Hogan’s group alone (Mexico)! God has to expose truth (doing that now world-wide) in all aspects of life to everyone in order to pour out his judgment on the unbelievers. The line is being drawn now! You’re either on the side of ‘good’ or on the side of ‘evil’ – there is no more fence-riding! There will a period of time (7 more years, 40 more years?) of God’s Kingdom in action all over the globe, then the tribulation, then Jesus comes and establishes his 1,000 year Kingdom as it says in the Word. We’ve been watching the ‘Two Prophets’ Youtube channel – all the world catastrophes going on the past couple years – unprecedented. The earth is ‘groaning’ already! King Jesus is about to establish is Kingdom on this earth! Very little time is left – the evil ones are being exposed at a rapid rate now, but they will still do more damage as they ‘go out the door’. We cannot be side-tracked by that; but rather, keep focused on God and Truth! The evil has to be exposed (the old house torn down) in order to ‘clean up’ the mess (rebuild the house). There are the people being killed for sacrifice (in the thousands daily/weekly) by the Cabal and all the Satanists around the globe (abortion AND all the other ritual killings, as well as the innocent who, for exposing it, get killed) – it’s a fact – the underground (tunnels, DOMs) world was huge (are being taken out, several already, more to come) and that evil society is coming down in Jesus’ name! This news if finally being exposed to the main masses (hidden by the fake news for so long) by this Ukraine war – the Russians are the good guys! They are targeting and exposing the evil that the ‘elites’ of the world have created in the Ukraine! God has finally had enough and is cleaning house! Not only in his ‘body’, the church, but in the world. (Raw News has been a good one to watch for the truth news). Quit watching the fake news – all they do is lie! They were bought and owned a long time ago by the Cabal.

We’ve been meeting at the school every night this week for prayer – prayer for revival mostly, covering the Salem tent meetings going on right now. I went with Denessa last weekend (13th) and was quite disappointed. I wanted to get into a fired up, prayer and praise group with lots of people and we walk into the tent across from the State House and there are 4 people in there! It didn’t get to be more than a dozen by the end of the day when we left; however, someone sent us video via Denessa’s phone on our way back and the place was full! However, our time there was well spent (in prayer) and talking with a couple people I know God set up.

I know I've been too negative lately (I'm tired of being 'beat up'!) and need to re-focus.  I know I am doing what God asked me to do during this time (the school), but it is so much harder than I expected it to be.  I need to keep my eyes on God and not what is going on around me and try to keep positive.

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