We first came to Sanford and Lunette's campground in Sunny Valley, April
2012, in order to be a blessing and help with various maintenance issues.
We soon found that God was calling us to establish a foothold here to do some
spiritual battles and cleansings. It’s amazing how God set that up.
Our whole Sons to Glory/Men of Thunder team came here for a
weekend retreat, to do spiritual battle, walk around the property, anoint it
with oil, and pray for revival in the land. William was given a vision of
Angels surrounding the property and another vision of a property across the
street and down from the little store (that big field) a vision of big-time
revival meetings, music, etc. – like a big Jesus Festival. We saw
big-time revival on all the people of the area, strongholds of drugs, alcohol,
despair, poverty, etc. coming down! We planted in Sanford and Lunette
God’s plan for the area – a Christian camp/retreat, a place for people to come
and be refreshed. We started talking to them about this and about how God
wants to send bands/musicians in to do concerts, etc.
Then, William and I spent the summer at the campground (June –
Sept. 2012). William did some
maintenance work, and we continued to pray and establish a spiritual foot hold
here. No sooner had we told them about
the Christian camp atmosphere, then a band they knew contacted them and they
arranged for a concert at the campground. It was an awesome
time. We suggested to them that they keep this kind of thing going.
Also, shortly after purchasing the RV Park, Lunette and Sanford asked the local church to come and hold a communion service over their new property. To the church, Lunette and Stanford have been a great asset as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Before Sanford and Lunette bought this property (March
2011), there had been a prostitution ring that used the property/cabins with
big drug and other illegal activity. After
talking with the pastor of the local church, Sunny Valley Outreach Ministries, we
found that their body of believers has been established by God in this very strategic
position for prayer, warfare and the teaching of God’s word. We found out
that this area (between Merlin and Wolf Creek) is a large center and stronghold
of the Church of Satan.
As the pastor tells it, the church came under attack soon after it was established 12 years
ago. Satanists built satanic alters by the front gate and hung satanic emblems on the fence of the property. One of the local Satanists went to the pastor’s home and told him that if he and his church wouldn’t pack up and leave, harm was going to come to him and his family. He went on to say that someday he would stand on the pastors grave. The pastor rose up in the Spirit of God and told him that within a year, he would be standing on his grave. Sure enough, the man developed an aggressive form of cancer, that next November, the pastor was standing on that man’s grave.
The pastor tells of another incident of how the forest along I-5 near their church caught on
fire. When the pastor and members arrived, they were told by witnesses that the fire had engulfed the church. Because of the smoke, it was impossible to see the damage at arrival time, they thought the church was gone and begin to pray. The pastor and the church begin to get excited to see how God’s hand would work in the midst of the devastation to the building they met in. The pastor and his congregation went there the next day after the fire was out, and not only was the church still standing, but there wasn’t even a hint of smoke on or within the structure. The fire had come right up to the door and left the building in tack. The front page of the Grants Pass Daily Courier read, pictures included, “Fire burns to front door of church and stops”.
There was a strip club established next to the park. Some
Christians and non-Christians of the area began picketing, who were later sued
and were found violating the strip club’s property, even though it violated
Oregon State law to have this type of establishment too close of a distance
from a church. This cost some of the picketers heavy fines. When the Grants
Pass Courier interviewed the Pastor in Sunny Valley, he shared his message that
had been given to the church. The pastor had no control over how they
approached this situation, but if they went to picket, they were on their own
and the church was not to be represented as picketers. The pastor said he would
be a hypocrite if he stood at the pulpit and preached power in prayer and then
resorted to man’s ways (this interview was printed in the newspaper). The
church then came into agreement in prayer and prayed the establishment out of
business. God closed the doors, not man, to God be the Glory, not man.
The pastor knows that he has been called by God to pray over and see that his congregation and the area around Sunny Valley is strengthened. Not only that, but several churches under the leadership of the local store-owner, who owned another building, attempted to start a separate church, and we went to a couple of their services. The last church started under the leadership of a Rogue Valley Ministry, which was well funded. It was there approximately one year before closing. The pastor tried several times to contact these new ministries coming into Sunny Valley, to welcome them in hopes of working together to further the gospel in the area. His attempts were futile; there was not a response from any of them. When that other church decided to close, the Pastor contacted them and met with them for breakfast in Grants Pass. The Pastor told them he felt his previous contacts of welcome had been ignored, that it did not appear that they had been led by the Holy Spirit to come to Sunny Valley, had sent different leaders there who did not appear to be called, but rather, appointed to make a go of it and now, due to the act of closing their doors, left a small group of those who attended as orphans. A few of those left behind from this church, have attended Sunny Valley Outreach Ministries.
The pastor knows that he has been called by God to pray over and see that his congregation and the area around Sunny Valley is strengthened. Not only that, but several churches under the leadership of the local store-owner, who owned another building, attempted to start a separate church, and we went to a couple of their services. The last church started under the leadership of a Rogue Valley Ministry, which was well funded. It was there approximately one year before closing. The pastor tried several times to contact these new ministries coming into Sunny Valley, to welcome them in hopes of working together to further the gospel in the area. His attempts were futile; there was not a response from any of them. When that other church decided to close, the Pastor contacted them and met with them for breakfast in Grants Pass. The Pastor told them he felt his previous contacts of welcome had been ignored, that it did not appear that they had been led by the Holy Spirit to come to Sunny Valley, had sent different leaders there who did not appear to be called, but rather, appointed to make a go of it and now, due to the act of closing their doors, left a small group of those who attended as orphans. A few of those left behind from this church, have attended Sunny Valley Outreach Ministries.
When the Lord comes to a man, He cleanses a man from sin (by
faith, through the blood), then the Lord fills him with He’s presence (Holy
Spirit) and power. The Lord Jesus Christ
does the same thing when He decides to destroy the enemies (Spiritual powers)
in a given area. He brings His truth of
the gospel and warring angels to fill the area up with the Kingdom of our God (Jesus). The final result is when Christ returns and
judges all living and dead and throws his enemies into the fire. He then establishes His Kingdom forever and
We are in a war - war for
the souls of men; for our communities, our states, our country, and the
world. We have to rise up in the power
of the Holy Spirit and occupy the land that God promised us. Heaven and Earth will be joined some
day. But we are told to go and usher in
the Kingdom.
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