Monday, February 1, 2016

Sunny Valley - January 2016

After leaving the Rogue Valley, we went to the coast for a few days of relaxation and restoration (God gave us a wonderful time), then we went to Sunny Valley.  God called us here in 2012, when we did a lot of warfare prayer and mighty things of God started to happen.  God gave us visions of great revival in this area at that time, and we still believe it will happen.  God called us back, by way of the owners of the local campground, for William to paint their house and re-do the floors of the park’s bathroom.  But like we knew prior to getting here, God has a bigger thing going on.  Not only at the park, but with the people at Sunny Valley Outreach Ministry Church, a church we connected with back in ’12.  The pastor is a great Spirit-filled man, who’s stories impacted us a great deal back then.  I was asked to help with music there the month of Feb., of which I look forward to as well.

When we first got here, we saw doubt, fear, depression, and despair on the people – even amongst God’s people.  When that happens, they lose the joy of their salvation (Ps. 51:12), thus losing their strength (Ps. 21:1, Hab. 3:18).  There’s even one who is demon possession here, and we are praying for deliverance.  We’ve been praying in the Spirit – the Power of God must sit on God’s people, but so often, the people cling to a form of godliness(2 Tim. 3:5), but are not willing to take on the sacrifices to bring on the anointing and power.  We’ve been brought here to intercede, because the people here are weak.  The Bible says, that when our brothers and sisters are weak (1 Thes. 5:14), we are to come along side to encourage, not to condemn them.   God has given us a time here for deep prayer, desperation, to ask God to reach down to do something men cannot do, all the planning, programs, and all the quick, convenient prayer meetings will not seem like faith to God. 

God is looking for a people who will be so desperate and so believing for his power to change things, that they’re willing to put their very lives on the line.  This is why God has called us to fast and pray and to give our lives away.  There is a cost to walking in the anointing.  It means those who want to walk in the anointing, they have to forfeit the things they think they have a right to, which includes sleep, food, comfort, and instead, replace it with faith, determination, and a single-mindedness to not let go of the Throne of God until God moves.  And so, God has called us to prayer here, in laboring for the Kingdom of God, more than for the physical work we were brought here to do.   

Since we’ve been here, we’ve seen visions, confirmation in our spirit and in the physical, in a variety of areas, as to why we are here.  We’re believing God for healing, deliverance, and setting the captives free (Mark 16:17, 20, Acts 4:30, 5:12).  Because there is nothing more sad to see than God’s children, who’ve been given everything in the way of spiritual weapons (2 Cor. 10:4, Eph. 1:3), mighty in pulling down strongholds, to be so bound up and depressed and no longer rejoicing in their salvation.  It is time the church was willing to sacrifice everything to see the Glory of our God brought to earth again, for He is mighty - all power and might are in His hands.  We must come to Him to get it; it is not automatic.  God is looking throughout the earth for those who seek Him (Ps. 53:2), to raise them up by His hand, to change a world through His power in them.   We’ve been in the book of Ephesians lately – it is all about the fullness of God and the battle we’re in. 

A topic that keeps coming up (and even the pastor preached on it this last Sunday) is on the topic of the anointing of the Holy Spirit – people are so unsure of it.  The devil is set against God’s people, to take away their power.  The topic of the gift of tongues keeps coming up – some people just don’t like it!  Doctrines and traditions of men have denied and striped the people of this gift.  Same thing happened at Pentecost – God’s people were made fun of.  That is what Christians are afraid of – to be made fun of.  This is what Stephen said, (he was talking to the church of that hour) “you stiff necked people, always resisting the Holy Spirit” (Acts 7:51).  When the enemy strips the people of the anointing, the power of God, it makes it so they can do nothing for God.  Why?  Because the devil can’t deal with God, but he can deal with men. 

For instance, when the prophets of old spoke under the power of the anointing, the people ridiculed them and killed them.  When Jesus came under the power of the Holy Spirit and anointing, the people said He was not of God and killed him.  When the church was born under the power of the anointing,  the people mocked the children of God at that hour, and that is why most Christians are set against the anointing of the Holy Spirit - because it may make a fool out of you!  But we are called to be “spectacles before men and angels on this earth!” (1 Cor. 4:9)

And when the church was born, over time, the people stripped the power of God by their doctrines and traditions of men and thus was born the Catholic Church.  From the Catholic Church, every time the people of God became anointed again to preach the Good News, they were killed as heretics .   Since the church has broken free of some of these traditions and doctrines of men, the power of God has moved amongst them again and again, but every time the Holy Spirit moves amongst God’s people doing a new thing, those who call themselves people of God, mock it and say it’s not of God.  By now, we must have learned that God’s ways are not our ways, and God’s people must be willing to do whatever God says, whether we like it or not, whether it makes us feel uncomfortable or not, or whether we’ve seen it before or not.  So, revival after revival, move of God after move of God, we have contained it and created denominations with it, thus clinging to an old move of God because (old wine skins) we are afraid of something new the Spirit wants to do.  Thus Stephen was right when he said: you stiff necked people …

In conclusion, God is going to do a new thing now in this generation and one of the greatest moves of God is going to be a global harvest and God is preparing his people now.  And the old wine skins (Mark 2:22) either better get filled up and get made new to contain it and hold it, or get out of the way.  Because the greatest harvest is about to take place, which in turn will usher in the greatest upheaval the world has ever seen (Revelations).
Sunny Valley Campground

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