Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Wow! What a morning! God showed up in such a powerful way, it was amazing! Since we had gone to a new church yesterday to check it out, then spent the day fasting/praying/reading the Word, God had me go to Figaro’s this morning to join these ladies I had met yesterday in their weekly prayer/discipleship group. At first there were only 3 there, the leader and 2 others. When I got there, I introduced myself (they had recognized me from church yesterday) and I gave a brief overview of what we do (as missionaries to America) and how we live, etc. She asked me if I knew Betty Denny from the Rogue Valley (since I had mentioned that we’ve been called back to the valley) and I said, “Yes! In fact, I just saw her on Facebook yesterday advertising her new I-5 campaign, inviting everyone on Sat. for it) and the leader said she and another from their church had gone there for it. Anyway, the morning continued and when the lady beside me spoke, she immediately got my attention, not only that she was downcast (eyes, obvious look of someone who had had a rough life/been abused, etc) and 1 of the things she said toward the end of sharing was, “My insecurity ….”. I immediately caught that and I knew God had something for her. I was asked to share next and I said, “Can I speak a word to you from God.” And she said yes. I gave a brief overview of what 45 years of abuse had taught me to think nothing of myself, such an inferiority complex, very insecure, couldn’t look anyone in the eyes, etc. then my path of healing/overcoming by way of writing key scriptures on 3x5 cards, speaking out loud God’s truth (not speaking “my sickness, my insecurity, etc. which equate the devil's lies) over my life, etc. Also telling her even though I had been in church 40 years, going to every bible study, prayer group, etc. that until I got that truth of speaking life into myself rather than death by way of words, I couldn’t get free. I told her to say, “I’m blessed” every time someone comes to her and asks how she’s doing, etc. It really was a maybe 4 minute overview like that. She seemed to receive it, and we went on with the group. By that time another person joined our group.
As we discussed various things, the leader informed me a bit of the history of the area: past strong unity among the various churches in the area (back in the 90’s I think it was), the isolationist mentality over the Coquille valley because of its landmass, constant rain (thus flooding, cutting people off), and rich people coming into the area to set up mansions/little kingdoms in the woods, etc. She spoke of how recently the pastors (very strong in the Lord and in this unity), were leaving due to being wore out, discouraged, beat up (spiritually), etc. from fighting (in the Spirit) the division and disunity that had been plaguing the area in recent years.
Flooded marshlands around Coquille

I told them how we had come to this area over and over, speaking prophetically over the area (2009, 2010, Bastendorff/Sunset Bay) and knew that God had something big for this area and how we’ve been drawn over and over to this area, etc. I told them how this was the longest we’ve spent (since last April) in this area and kept trying to connect with various churches in Coos Bay/Coquille area, but kept running into this spirit of deadness, lack of sensing the Spirit, etc., but couldn’t find one we could connect with; and how in 2015 we had a booth and William walked the cross in the parade in the “Gay 90’s” event, and so on. I was just quickly explaining how we kept trying to find a ‘live’ fellowship to connect with and couldn’t. But as soon as we walked into their fellowship yesterday, we felt that God told us, “This is it!” and that God told us to connect and for me/us to start attending the various groups, like this morning. The leader felt prompted to pray over me (and William) and said several things that verified why we were set aside like we had been and why we were there, and that God had his timing for everything.
Anyway, toward the end of our time this morning, I kept feeling that God wanted me to anoint and pray over the lady I was drawn to; I started getting this shaking feeling (that I get when I feel that God is about to do something very powerful if I obey), so I asked if anyone had anointing oil; one did. I put some on my finger, and God said, “more oil”, so I put it on my other fingers, and I felt like God kept saying more oil, so I practically covered my hand and made a comment about what God was saying and that I should just pour it over her head, and she said, “no”. So anyway, just as soon as I put my hand on her head, I started shaking like crazy and crying, saying, “In the name of Jesus,” and I just started saying stuff over her about victory, casting out insecurity, fear, intimidation, etc., and about healing, and all kinds of things just kept coming out for at least 10 minutes. It totally blew me away! I hadn’t felt and did anything like that since that time months ago at the Methodist church in Coos Bay when I had met a lady there.

She received it quite well, after I had opened my eyes, I noticed she had her hands open to receive. After that, her countenance looked quite brighter and she wasn’t looking down, but rather up into the eyes of everyone by this point. As we closed up in prayer, she said she wanted to say something over me, that God had told her about us (William and I), and she was right on with everything! Blew me away!
When I got back to the trailer, I told William that I just knew I was supposed to be there this morning and that the enemy was trying to stop me. Last night, 2, and 3 nights ago, both William and I (but William had been going through this every night this week), had been tormented by the enemy and got very little sleep. I was so tempted to just stay in bed and continue sleeping, but I got up at 9:15. I wanted to just sit and rest with my coffee this morning, but God made me get up after only ½ a cup, make my smoothie and go. Even William was surprised, because I didn’t wake up in the greatest of moods. I am so glad I listened to God and went.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Springtime in Coquille!

We spent the day fasting, praying, and reading the Word. We’ve been having a great day in the Lord – the sun was out brighter and it seems like Spring has finally come (it's been such a WET winter)! We set up outside with our table/chairs and had a great time soaking up the warmth of the sun. The past few nights, we had been attacked in a big way by the enemy, not being able to sleep, being tormented, etc. It was real bad 2 nights ago for me – constant hot sweats, it felt like a cattle prod was constantly hitting the bottom of my feet making jolts of electricity go up my leg, etc. Anyway, because we had been having such a great time in the Lord these past few weeks, listening to great sermons, praising God quite a bit in song, etc. the enemy has been attacking in several areas, but we won’t give him any space! We keep praising God!
In re-reading 1 Samuel today, I am reminded of where I started at age 8, “Speak Lord for your servant hears.” God has brought me back to this passage this past winter (I’ve been trying to get through this and 2nd Samuel all winter!) to remind me of why He chose me – because I trusted and loved the Lord since childhood, even when all ‘hell’ seemed to be against me.
As we come upon a new time of ministry this summer (we’re calling it the Braveheart Campaign), God is assuring me of His call and just like He did for Samuel, He is saying to us/me that, “I will show you what you shall do,” 1 Samuel 16:3. That no matter what circumstances shall arise, God is with us, leading us step-by-step.
I see myself in David, in that though despised by many over my life, God kept me, molded me, and lifted me up to be His instrument. I didn’t remain as a ‘victim’, nor did I keep that mentality. Sure, during my recovery time, especially in the 90’s, I operated in the ‘victim’ mode, but through God’s help, I overcame. That is why my life verse in Jeremiah “I will restore the years the locust have eaten …” is so valuable to me. God used all those years of abuse to His glory! Like Paul says what the devil meant for bad, God has meant for good!

Apple orchard full of deer!
God has been reminding me lately of His call on my life: 25 years ago, He gave me some visions and led me to read some books on deliverance. I remember God clearly telling me at that time that I was to be a part of a deliverance ministry, that someday, I would see people set free from demonic powers, to cast them out. I remember thinking at the time, “no way!” but deeply I knew what God was saying was true. I was both “no way/oh yes Lord”, not that my soul was in conflict, but because I was only at the beginning of my own deliverance and healing and I couldn’t see at that time, how God could possibly make such a thing possible. The verses in Matt. 24 had already been strong in me, to see the blind see, lame walk, dead rise, etc., but because I was still so buried under abuse and low self-worth, I just couldn’t see how God could ever make me a worthy vessel.
I look forward to being used by God in this way, while at the same time when thinking about the condition of this world, the growing hatred toward Christians, the violence in the streets, I know that since God has called us to this ministry, we will go out in strength and the covering of God to fulfill His will. That is not to say absolutely nothing ever will happen to us, that we won’t get hurt in one way or another physically, I do believe that God’s supernatural protection is over us and that no matter what happens, we will stand in victory when God sends us out into the streets again. Just like David took down Goliath.
This past ‘season’ has been a time of growth, learning for us, it has been a great time of refreshing, being built up and prepared for what is coming. Just like Goliath kept the people of Israel in bondage, helpless in the power of greater forces, expecting defeat, not even seeking God! Just like so many times in the past, I let circumstances dictate my life, lived in defeat for a time, but by seeking God again, I gained strength to defeat the giants in my life.
As we prepare to go into battle again, going into the ‘valley of the giants’ (spiritual strongholds of the enemy in the Rogue Valley), we know that God has already defeated them – we just need to walk it out. We already established our ‘bulkhead’ by our work in the park/in the valley in past years, now we go in as victors to see the giants fall. Our love and trust in God will supersede anything that comes against us. We go in expecting God to defeat the giants! God has given us His armor (Eph.6). We are not dependant on the armor of others/or even of our own past successes (ie. methods, education, talents, or accomplishments), not only that, but even if we had success in the past with certain methods, God is doing a new thing in us and through us. We are to be led step-by-step in a new path.’ All in all, the bottom line is ‘belief’ – nothing is more powerful in our lives than prayer. As we walk in the Wisdom of the Lord and be totally obedient to God’s leading, the giants will fall one by one!

My latest watercolor painting - just a small one 8x8"

Monday, March 13, 2017

Giants in the Land!

We’ve been watching some awesome videos lately. I love how Perry Stone says this: (in the story of David and Goliath) that 5 smooth stones (OT) = 5-fold ministry (NT) and that we are called to 'slap giants in the face'; we are not called to just tease and mock them, then run, but to put a stone between their eyes, drop them to their knees, and remove their heads (in regards to demons on people). We are the Living Stones and Jesus is the Cornerstone. The battle is in the mind (where demons talk at you) and the stone (Jesus) goes to the center of their mind. The church, for centuries, has done the same old programs and methods – it is not working! In order to win converts, we have to go out to where they are and meet the enemy (demons on the people) face to face, through Jesus’ strength. We are in a battle for truth – Jesus is the truth! Spiritual giants think they can run over nations; they cannot stop God’s remnant. The enemy is all about division, division is from deception, deception is from the father of lies – truth cuts through division! Great faith was needed by Joshua and Caleb when they first got to the promised land to say that by God’s strength, they could defeat the giants of the land (they really were 13-18’ tall according to all the skeletons found, and there were a lot of them). It was the unbelief of the other 10 spies (and the older generation of people come out of bondage/Egypt) that kept the people out of the promised land for another 40 years! Unbelief keeps you in bondage!
I was in bondage for so many years: physically (abusive spouse/parent), bondage from various fears, etc.; however, in order to gain mastery over it all, I had to WALK IT OUT in the power of the TRUTH of Jesus! Not all these falsehoods propagated through the modern American church of fluff-and-stuff, watered down gospel. Now I can teach others, help others because of the truth that Jesus has taught me.
Jude 4-6: “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. And the angels which kept not their first estate [those that were cast out of heaven], but left their own habitations, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”
We are the ‘seed’ of Jesus and those that follow Satan are his ‘seed’:
Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman [the church], and between thy [satan’s’] seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head [Jesus did this], and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
It’s interesting how throughout all of time, satan has been deceiving the nations, time after time taking away their history so as to keep them in darkness, always coming after God’s people to destroy them, making them look like they’re the bad guy, etc. We have to have Jesus enlighten our minds to perceive truth from the lies. Our worldview is not just this world, it only tells us where we stand, but we need to perceive from our inner view (fed by the Spirit), which is bigger (inside, around, past where we can touch/see/hear). Right now they (those in government, scientists, organizations such as the Smithsonian Institute) are taking away our history/changing our history, and have been doing so since the beginning of time. As long as we are deceived to where we come from, where we are, our future, then they can keep us in bondage, under control as cattle, feeding at the trough of indifference and ignorance. They can strip from us our perception (past, present, future) and truth all the way back, give us false gods and ‘presents’ to keep us feeding at their trough, but if we keep our eyes on God, He will keep us in Truth. In order to be an overcomer, we have to pray always, be watchful for the coming of the Lord, be a witness, giving our life away for others, train this body through discipline, and keep from sin.

I call this one "Perspectives" - it depends on one's perspective as to how you see life - through the 'broken' glass or the beauty of the leaves.  Watercolor 36x24"