Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Bible study in the morning. Awesome time. Last night, William and I stepped outside on the balcony and heard a chorus of tree frogs – 1000s of them, singing non-stop. Then from the pond corner of my yard, a big horny toad or big frog of some sort (not a bull frog) joins in about every 30 seconds or so. I stepped out onto the balcony tonight about 8pm and the same thing. I said last night, “The chorus of frogs are singing of the Glory of God! That they are again!

Angels across the sky, 5:20-30pm perhaps

I was sitting upstairs in my room, sitting in my rocker, looking toward the window, when I saw a lavender and peach-colored, spotted sky. I jumped up and out of my chair and went out onto the deck looking up at the sky the entire time. The western mountain was silhouetted against a flame orange-peach color and the sky graduated into the above mentioned lavender and peach as it stretched out to the east.

As I stared at the beauty and proclaimed God’s wonder and thanked Jesus, two flames of jet orange-red flew at an angle from the north-west toward and above us (by then, William joined me), and abruptly I saw above me 2 huge angels, wings spread, rippling as if feathers in flight. At first, the closest angel’s profile was just a normal face, but as I observed the sky as if all at once, the face formed into the King of Kings, crown and all, at which I proclaimed “King of Kings, Lord of Lords”, facing forward as if onward toward battle in the east. The other angel, further ahead and on the other side, yet very large, same wing spread, rippling, had an intense, determined face-profile. They traveled as if in slow motion, yet as if in very fast flight all at the same time, going past me, yet still looked like they were above all at the same time. The rest of the sky was aflutter with millions of wings, yet rippled as if in unison, but not all at the same time. There was such a soft, flutter, barely audible sound, the world sounded and felt like it was standing still. The whole sky gradually darkened with the most brilliant, yet subdued at the same time of the above mentioned colors. It never lost its intensity. While we were gazing into the sky, looking everywhere all at the same time, yet managed to stay focused on strategically positioned throughout, various horses, a lion, and millions of wings, layered several deep, yet all flying in unison, yet not at the same time.

At one point, a huge foot descended, yet it was not aimed toward us, it was ‘flying’ forward with the rest, bottom of foot facing east. I ‘felt’ the ‘foot of justice’ coming down somewhere. There were shapes of angels everywhere, changing constantly, yet not, all at the same time. Each one was ‘brilliant’, yet not, in a shimmery way,that blended as a whole so as not to attract attention to self, yet I could see so many individuals. The entire sky, even as I looked to the east where they were going, was full of angels.

I cannot describe it without stating the ‘one way, yet not’ scenario, because I could not really describe it.

What I heard was at first, very faint, I was unsure of what I was hearing. I heard gradually, yet distinctly bright sounding trumpets, several of them, but not overwhelming as if too many. I heard and felt a rumble that grew in intensity out side of me as well as inside of me. The rumble inside intensified gradually into a shake so intense I got a severe cramp in my side, the pain of which made me focus my eyes back onto self rather that what was above. As I was going through the pain, I kept wanting to look to the sky as it gradually darkened, and I kept asking Jesus, “why is the light getting dimmer, yet still intense? Isn’t the fire of the Holy Spirit supposed to grow in intensity? Why am I seeing it dim?” He kept saying, “you’ll see, you’ll see ….”

I got back to my rocking chair, clutching my side, sat back and asked God to minister to me and the downstairs music selection was playing: “Boycot Hell” by DeGarmo & Key and God talked to me through those words of that song as to the meaning of what I had seen and what we are to do.

The whole time I was seeing and hearing all of this, I heard myself saying things I can’t remember right now, as they transpired. I was thanking Jesus for all of the above throughout the experience, I was proclaiming victory in Jesus over our valley, I was saying “Go Jesus Go”, and other things.

6:30 pm I just hung up from a phone call from Louise whom I haven’t heard from since at least October, maybe early November. She is the only other prophetic person I can tell anything to and she listened to my above story, of which I just finished writing and was adding in the almost forgotten foot part, when she called. She immediately said that open vision from God was a special blessing to me for being faithful, and that he wanted to encourage me. William said the almost exact thing right after this happened and we compared notes. He only saw the 2 angels, the jet of fire behind them, the color of the sky, and saw nor heard anything else. She went on to say that I just had an open vision, a special gift from God, and witnessed the Armies of God!

She went on to say her experience of the sky: she had just awakened from a nap and noticed the house getting darker. She was captivated by the fading orange sky out the window and ran to it knowing and feeling she had a message from God. It was about 6:30 she called me.

William was saying earlier how he had heard a prophet say God’s released the spirit of Elijah and that it was Elijah as the other angel.


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