Saturday, February 6, 2021


I’ve been reprimanding myself for not writing everything down the past few months – SOOOO much has happened spiritually and physically in our own little world, let alone worldwide.

I’ve been reading a lot, books by Tracie Peterson, Siri Mitchell, and lately Kate Breslin. Especially Kate – very good! I just love this part in p. 91:

“It suddenly struck him – he was traveling with a pretend wife to observe an alleged enemy spy likely posing under a phony name, and while there, he was to deliver plans to a man helping the Parisians to build a fake city. Was nothing real any longer?”

The best thing about the past few weeks is how much God has been revealing himself to us and coming upon us in big ways. I have been singing praised and warfare songs the past couple months in a fervor that I haven’t done before. God kept saying to me, “Keep it up – this is warfare!” We have quite a line-up of awesome music. Shane and Shane, Harvest, and the Jewish music/Native American music has been so awesome and powerful.

Anyway, we’ve been in the Word and it has been so powerful: Esther 8, Amos 3, Haggai 2, Psalms 82, Isaiah 52, 58, Luke 19, Psalms 118, 2 Thes. 2, etc. and etc. Such powerful and awesome, so ‘right now’ stuff! God is on the move! Justice and Liberty is happening now world-wide. We’ve been plugged in to some powerful videos from Angel Network, Mario Murillo, Charlie Ward, etc. All the exposures and documents that have been released lately, William has been pouring over them. We are in an awesome time – the ‘Storm’ Trump was referring to is happening! So cool. Justice is being served! Evil is coming down. Our job right now is to keep praying down the enemy, telling others the truth of what’s going on, tell people to not be afraid but to rely on Jesus, etc.

I never thought that I would see a time when so many people were so afraid of dying that they were willing to stop living. We’ve gotta take a stand on freedom, children/women slavery, abortion, overall confusion on terminology, ideology, etc.

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